441 Division Street, Suite 103, Sewickly, PA 15143

Benefits of Reflexology

ARCB Certified Reflexologist, Korean Hand Therapist, Master Reiki Teacher

Benefits of Reflexology

You may be wondering why you should try Reflexology?

If you have problems with your feet, it’s a no-brainer!

But if not, why would you want to subject yourself to this total body relaxation and mind-chilling experience??

Besides making your feet happy for a few days, it also relaxes your entire body by tapping into your nervous system.

For a moment imagine your body as a tree.

From your brain and brainstem, your nervous system is anchored along your spinal column which is like the trunk of your tree.

Your nerves spread out throughout your trunk (aka your torso) and extend down along your limbs (your arms and legs) and eventually ending at points on your branches (hands and feet).

It is at these reflex points on your hands and feet that the Reflexologist stimulates.

Messages are sent to the brain, pathways are opened along all channels, the acupuncture meridians are stimulated, all of which encourage the body to self-regulate and rebalance.

All aspects of you that make you uniquely YOU are accessed.

Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual components that comprise all of you are touched and soothed or stimulated to create ideal results.

Our bodies are innately intelligent and our cells know how to function at optimum levels!

This treatment opens up cellular communication, soothes your frazzled nerves, reduces or eliminates pain, and encourages you to feel a deeper sense of wellbeing.

Sounds good, right??!!

Well, it IS good!

When Reflexology is received routinely, you will notice changes that are lasting.