441 Division Street, Suite 103, Sewickly, PA 15143

Benefits of Reiki

ARCB Certified Reflexologist, Korean Hand Therapist, Master Reiki Teacher

If you have not yet experienced Reiki, please treat yourself to a session as soon as possible.

I mean it!

It is SO relaxing, soothing, and healing!

It’s not easy to explain what Reiki is to someone who is unfamiliar with energy work, but here goes!

I like to compare Reiki to Acupuncture to help you understand the big picture.

Our bodies have energy pathways (called meridians) that flow life force energy to all of our major organs and systems.

Energy imbalances within our systems correspond to discomfort or disease. Balancing the energy in the meridians can balance the body and eliminate or minimize the condition.

An acupuncturist inserts needles at specific points on the body (called acupoints) to balance and redirect the flow of energy. Reiki, like Acupuncture, is an energy modality, but it is quite different in the way it works.

Rather than redirecting the flow of energy in the body, it INFUSES the body with MORE energy. This newly infused energy naturally flows to all the areas where it is needed.

You are probably wondering where this infusion come from, right?? It flows from the Reiki practitioner or Reiki Master to you.

The Reiki practitioner’s subtle energy centers (called chakras) have been opened through a process called a Reiki attunement.

The attunement enables the practitioner to channel and flow the Reiki energy directly to you.

This life force energy flows throughout your body bringing balance, relaxation, and a deep sense of wellbeing.

It also stimulates the immune system, relieves pain, reduces mental and emotional stress, improves circulation, elevates mood, and detoxifies your body.

When your body reaches this deep state of relaxation it can replenish and rejuvenate.